wine spectator

Giusy Moretti interviewed by Robert Camuto, Wine Spectator.


Giusy Moretti was recently the subject of a Wine Spectator interview by Robert Camuto.


Here is a part of it:

“Aside from technique, it seems a cultural shift, coming from new generations of producers and consumers, is driving Sagrantino’s change.

Giusy Moretti, 37, who gave up her career as an architect to join her father, Omero, at his Moretti Omero winery eight years ago, says that greater involvement from women has been a big change for the appellation.

“I believe in Sagrantino; it’s got a unique taste,” says Moretti. “But I remember wines from 2000 that were much more powerful—probably because all the producers were men.”

“It was macho—a competition. The wine was good if it was big and alcoholic,” adds Moretti, who has pushed the winery to harvest earlier. “Women being involved has helped make wines that are more drinkable, balanced.”